Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is what Dillon does…

I have finally come to the conclusions that if I don't post this it will be a never ending cycle, so…

As of December 2008 (16 Months old)

Signs (in her own way of course) the words: please, more, banana, milk, eat, thank you, and all done. It gives her a way to communicate and us an idea of what she wants.

Says: Mama, bye, bow, arf arf, dada, Geor (for Jordan), An (for Andi). This isn't much for a fifteen month old, but we are not concerned and know she will talk when she is ready. Besides the two older sisters interpret what we can not decipher.

Eats with a spoon, surprisingly less messy than her five-year-old sister.

Wears any shoe she can get on her foot around the main level of our house. Clop, clop, clop.

Says "Bye," to anyone or thing that is leaving or going by the front of the house.

Waves goodbye to guests leaving from the front window of our house, yelling "bye-bye" until they are out of sight.

Calls everything a "bow", as in wow with a b. When she plays hide-and-seek: "Bow!" Or throwing a ball: "Bow!" Or reading a book: "Bow!" She just realized things and people have names and wants to know what to call everything. She points and tilts her head quizzically, listens intently, then tries desperately to repeat the sound, which typically sounds like "mama" or "bow".

Loves to flip through pages in books, magazines or newspapers.

Knows that clothes are meant to be worn and tries to put everything on, usually ending up with mound of clothes around her neck.

Will attempt to sit her naked bottom in a clean diaper if placed open on the floor.

Blows kisses.

Is fascinated by water, in the toilet, in the tub or in the sink. If she hears a faucet or a toilet she will come running.

When chased, she runs away and then turns into your open arms.

Laughs, even giggles when something funny happens. Will attempt a "ha ha" if she hears someone else laughing.

Follows behind her sisters, intently observing and desperately trying to mimic their every move.

Babbles incessantly, convinced she will be successfully interpreted. Nods her head in approval, a simple double pump.

Amazingly, she lies down for a nap without performing umpteen number of obsessive compulsive acts (babies, blankets, stories, songs, lights on, lights off, etc.).

There are plenty of others things not mentioned, some of which are too precious for words. Maybe someday I will get brave enough to record a video.

Having watched three children grow through 15-18 months of age I am even more convinced that it is my absolute favorite age.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Jordan lost her first tooth on Wednesday, December 2, 2008. Just weeks shy of her sixth birthday. As Josh and I ponder what we want to set as our standard for losing a tooth, we laugh at yet another milestone in our lives and joke we are one step closer to being "empty nesters," at least one milestone closer.