Friday, July 31, 2009

Lovely Ladies

Excuses and challenges.

And I am really good at both.

I used to have the cute LITTLE blogger log in and password, and then I joined a running challenge in which I had to create a g-mail account (which for some reason automatically changed my blogger account). Now I have this long drawn out, semi complicated log in, that I only get right 50% of the time. Anyone willing to accept that as an accuse for not updating my blog regularly? Lame, I know, but hey it was a starting point, right? My new challenge is to write an update once a week in which I simply sit and write, completely unabridged. It should make for some interesting writing and quite possibly some frustrating reading, but it is something I need to do in order attack my perfectionism; an obstacle I so desire to tear down.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What could possibly make that noise?

We were camping, just sitting around the campfire talking to our fellow campers, when we began to hear this intense scraping noise. It’s not a noise you'd recognize, nor could you imagine what could possibly make it. And it keeps getting louder and louder, until it is right on top of us. I wasn’t quite sure where my kids were so I stood to make sure that none were in the path of this noise, only to see a grown man pulling a 40 quart sized wheeled cooler along the side of his bike. The source of the noise was finally identified and yet remained unimaginable, and continues to make me giggle even as I recall the event. I still can not imagine where he came from. Talk about “testing” a product; Coleman needs to hire that man.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Update Blog. Check.

Just wanted everyone to know that I am collecting some great stories to tell…one involving a gravel road, a cooler, a grown man and a peddle bike, and another one about a new scooter, a girl, and a rather large hill. Right now I am just happy to have my computer functioning virus free so that I can once again “creep” around on everyone's blogs.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Existing in real life, not in blogger land.

I have been thoroughly enjoying the effects of Global Warming (50-70 degrees days in July)…and thus have not had the opportunity to increase my carbon emissions by cranking the air conditioner, running my desk top computer, and updating the masses through my blog… please accept my apologize for not keeping you informed…off to bake some desserts to keep the house warm ;-)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Warning: Maniac in Motion. Enter at your own risk.

This should be a sign posted in my front yard.

I may have taken multi-tasking too far…

a pile of dirt in the laundry room
baby in “big girl” panties and “potty” in the kitchen
window cleaner and towel hanging off the back of the vacuum cleaner
two big girls eating breakfast
towel draped over the bottle of wood polish sitting on the top of the stairs
coffee brewing
wet mop leaning against the counter
emailing a cell phone number to my husband
checking facebook
posting to my blog

Now I need to decide which of these tasks needs my attention first…

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I want to measure my ounces too!

Okay, so I do know how petty this is going to sound. And I do know that my jealousy is completely sinful. I even know that by mentioning this I will still not get what I want, because you see, I too, have a new refrigerator, just like my friend, and my new refrigerator has a water dispenser on the front of it, just like my friends. But what my new refrigerator does not have is a PreciseFill system which “dispenses filtered water in accurate measurements by ounces, cups, pints or liters, making it easier to prepare foods or mix drink.” The feature I covet the most is that you can program the number of ounces you need dispensed, place your container under the spout and WALK AWAY. Imagine, if you will, all the TIME I could save. So every time I push and hold my manual lever to disperse my water, be it into a cup or a line of water bottles, I count and I count and I covet. Even this morning as I filled the coffee pot with approximately two cups of water I wondered how much time I could gain by owning a PreciseFill System…