Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I want to measure my ounces too!

Okay, so I do know how petty this is going to sound. And I do know that my jealousy is completely sinful. I even know that by mentioning this I will still not get what I want, because you see, I too, have a new refrigerator, just like my friend, and my new refrigerator has a water dispenser on the front of it, just like my friends. But what my new refrigerator does not have is a PreciseFill system which “dispenses filtered water in accurate measurements by ounces, cups, pints or liters, making it easier to prepare foods or mix drink.” The feature I covet the most is that you can program the number of ounces you need dispensed, place your container under the spout and WALK AWAY. Imagine, if you will, all the TIME I could save. So every time I push and hold my manual lever to disperse my water, be it into a cup or a line of water bottles, I count and I count and I covet. Even this morning as I filled the coffee pot with approximately two cups of water I wondered how much time I could gain by owning a PreciseFill System…

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