Friday, June 12, 2009

That sinking feeling you get when you know your mind is crumbling…

I know I’ve lost my mind, but to demonstrate just how far gone it truly is I must first ask a Question: Did you know that today was Friday, June 12? I only ask, because all week it has simply been Friday, the Friday I was meeting some friends at the park…well, it turns out, that Friday, this Friday, the same Friday that I was meeting my friends, is Friday, June 12, the Friday I have Dentist appointments for the girls. Appointments, that I scheduled in October, and knew were on Friday, June 12, but didn’t realize was the same day as this Friday, the one that I was going to the park. Imagine if you can the disappointment when I called the clinic this morning to see if I could reschedule, they said the next available apt was in September. My mind, I tell you, is deteriorating…

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